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Reduces up to 95%
the gas leaks

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adecuados, según el tipo de gas de tu instalación.
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Reduction and monitoring of gases

Refrigerant gas leak detection solutions

At AKO, you will find a leading company in the field of reduction and control of gases for the refrigeration market and industry.

Our commercial operations are located all over the world, since we work in more than 70 countries. If we know about anything, as a result of our long history and wealth of experience, it is that the monitoring and tracking of refrigerant gas in any refrigeration system plays a crucial role in a plethora of ways: energy efficiency, looking after the system, a refrigerant gas monitoring system, profitability of the business and productivity, reduction in costs, safety or people and respect for the environment.

Our objective and mission is that all of these needs are met through the same solution.


Why choose our solutions?

Increasing the profitability and competitiveness of a business is becoming increasingly important, thereby highlighting the importance in commercial and industrial refrigeration sectors.
The performance of a company and the competitive market in which it operates is not just about a reduction in major costs, but also about knowing how to develop and guarantee the creation of a brand.

This activity is quite considerable due to the fundamental aspects that any company is obliged to possess. For this reason, the most influential aspects of your company’s system and the existing solutions to prevent the emission of harmful gases and improve the refrigerant gas monitoring system will be developed.

Refrigerant gas monitoring systems help to prevent leaks, reducing them by up to 85%.

It should be noted that the electricity consumption of a refrigeration system is extremely high, so a system operating at 80% of its refrigerant load increases its energy consumption by 15%. Furthermore, this usually increases the thermal and mechanical stress of the elements, affecting your system’s operating life, and it can even risk the correct preservation of products.

It is practically inevitable that gas leaks occur in refrigeration systems, but they should be prevented and corrected as quickly and efficiently as possible.

This is why our solutions enable you to save a large amount of money and worry, given that you will control and monitor all of the losses from the beginning, when they are still small and don’t trigger associated costs.

En nuestra empresa, uno de nuestros objetivos ha sido siempre cumplir estrictamente con las normativas y los estándares de seguridad y de medioambiente. Por ejemplo, en el Real Decreto 552/2019 se aprobó el actual Reglamento de Seguridad para las Instalaciones Frigoríficas y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias, donde se establece una mayor contribución sobre “potenciar y fomentar la seguridad en las instalaciones frigoríficas”. Otras normativas que cumplen nuestras soluciones son:

  • ICT-155:2020 
  • EN-12830 
  • F-GAS 
  • EN 378:2017 
  • ASHRAE15 (Normas de seguridad para sistemas de refrigeración)
  • EPA 608 

Potential losses of gas from a refrigeration system can have serious consequences. They drastically reduce performance and usually end up stopping the entire system to re-establish the nominal load of refrigerant gas.

¿How do we reduce and monitor refrigerant gases?

We are specialists in the design and manufacturing of cutting edge technological solutions to reduce losses of refrigerant gas, guaranteeing high profitability, a high performance and the highest degree of energy efficiency. In addition, we have also focussed on increasing the safety of people that work in refrigeration systems and on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by a considerable amount.

Key aspects of our solutions:

  1. Continuous monitoring and rapid deployment refrigerant gas monitoring system both in new constructions and in installed bases, without the need to disrupt your operations.
  2. It improves the income account, keeping the gas within the system, thereby reducing energy consumption, operational and maintenance costs and increasing the profitability and performance of the system.
  3. Connected solutions that monitor your operations and offer you high level useful information to improve decision-making and carry out a thorough analysis of all of the data.




This gas detector has been specifically designed as a refrigerant gas monitoring system to detect leaks early, enabling them to be almost completely eradicated, while also guaranteeing and improving the safety of refrigeration system users and maintenance engineers.

This is a state-of-the-art gas leak detector with infrared technology. It comprises a highly selective system which is able to prevent false alarms due to other gases, solvents or cleaning products, as well as the emission of ethylene from fruits and gases produced as a result of bread fermentation. These are the main causes of false alarms in other detection technologies.  Its precision in the detection of these leaks is above 95%.

This type of detectors with infrared technology are especially designed to identify the volume of gas in the atmosphere, from 1PPM. This enables the operating costs of a system to be drastically reduced, since the leak is detected immediately, located precisely and can be prepared quickly.


Three levels of detection adjustable from 1ppm to 2000 ppm.

Equipped with SetHold mode to prevent false alarms during refrigerant loading processes.

Option of connection to AKONET.Cloud via Modbus or direct NB-IoT connectivity.

Intuitive user interface and with sound and visual alarm.

IP68 waterproof rating.

Designed to show what times of day the leaks are most active and locate them simply and quickly.

No false alarms.

Autonomous working or by connecting to an alarm system (must be installed in compressor rooms).

Withstands working temperatures of up to -30ºC

Monitoring via AKONET.Cloud

Monitoring your system via AKONET.Cloud, you will be able to view at all times the record of the concentration of gas in the atmosphere and existing gas leaks. As if that wasn’t enough, you will have highly relevant indicators to know WHEN, WHERE AND HOW MUCH gas is leaking, facilitating an early repair and efficient maintenance tasks.

The system will notify you with an alert if there are any problems, and you will be able to carry out efficient preventive maintenance thanks to the recording of data, indicators and reports, while also minimising your system’s maintenance costs.


  1. Type of gas
  2. Concentration of gas in the atmosphere
  3. ICF: gas load in % of the total gas of the system that is being lost in real time
  4. Speed at which the leak is produced, in g/h
  5. IPF – Potential gas leakage rate: estimate of the percentage of gas that would be lost over a year in Kg/Year, if it is not acted on.
  6. TGCI – Time Gas Concentration Index: time intervals in which most of the gas leaks take place.
  7. T eq CO2: estimate in tonnes of CO2 that would be emitted in a full year as a result of the leak if it is not acted on.


This is a semiconductor gas leak detector, designed to guarantee the integrity of the people in a refrigeration system and adapt to the requirements of the current legislation.

The main goal is to prevent potential accidents resulting from a gas leak and that may cause a risk to the people that operate the systems.

Two configurable levels of detection.

Equipped with SetHold mode to prevent false alarms during refrigerant loading processes and cleaning.

Option of connection to AKONET.Cloud via Modbus.

Autonomous working or by connecting to an alarm system (must be installed in compressor rooms).

IP68 waterproof rating.

Intuitive user interface with sound and visual alarm.


The combination of advanced functionality products, connected together in a single monitoring system and high level KPI’s that provide relevant information.
Early detection and monitoring of gas leaks, focused on the reduction of refrigerant gas leaks.


Personal safety and regulatory compliance. Semiconductor gas leak detector