AKONET.Cloud is software by AKO for monitoring, remote control and support, that allows installers know the condition of refrigeration equipment remotely, from any location and at any time, in a manner that is easy, graphic and quick.
All AKO equipment (Controllers, sensors, gas detectors, trapped person alarms, etc.) can communicate with the AKONET.Cloud via two methods:
- Through wireless communication (Narrow-Band IoT) built-in to the devices
- Through the AKONET.Edge communication gateway. The AKONET.Edge acts as a device hub via modbus-rtu and sends and receives data to and from the AKONET.Cloud software through the clients network (Ethernet) or via data card (2G-GPRS).
Some AKONET.Edge models offer variants with analogue/digital input and output relays for greater functionality and integration capacity.
Some functional possibilities of the platform are provided below:
- Groups:
Group viewing depending on the supermarket, to enter equipment:
View equipment in detail:
Access to devices by location:
See temperature indicators in a range by group:
- Devices
Analysis of the temperature registry to detect operating anomalies in the refrigeration services:
Quickly, we can see how much time we are within the temperature range and its Max/min records:
Access to the “Real Time” mode to view the cooling cycles with different temperature setpoints of the service (very useful for detecting problems with ice expansion or build-up). Also to activate the Stand-by (maintenance) and forces defrost cycles (ice build-up):
For each day, view the time the door is open as well as the number of times it is opened (including the average time per opening), operating time of the compressor and defrost cycle times:
View the activity of the service per day, week or month:
View the Core Index (comprehensive efficiency index) and list the equipment based on the efficiency ranking:
Continuous recording of temperature and humidity with alarm levels and operating range:
Histogram that shows the efficiency of the regulation in terms of product conservation and energy efficiency:
Daily activity (with maximum, minimum and average temperature and/or relative humidity):
Analysis of the continuous gas leak record in ppm:
% of time inside the desired temperature/humidity range, above and below:
Monthly and daily map of the concentration of gas by days and time slots:
Daily graph of the evolution of the leak index (kg/year) and charge loss index (%):
TGCI: Total gas concentration index per day and hour to detect at what moments the equipment leaks the most:
Continuous temperature and/or humidity record analysis to detect anomalies, ageing evolution and drying of meat/fish/fruit, legal, compliance, regulatory, IFSs
Highly graphic, simple and intuitive monitoring
- Unique user interface that helps to easily understand the state of the equipment
Your installation always connected and monitored
- Supervises and sends alarms 24/7/365, improving the response and customer service time
- Drastic reduction in the number of maintenance visits
- Helps plan maintenance actions and save costs
- Monitoring of the installation at all times and from any location and device
Helps in decision making and saves time in data analysis with key indicators depending on the application
- Allows identifying and correcting improper practices thanks to the refrigeration asset’s diagnostic tool
- Indicators and data analysis that helps carry out preventive maintenance
Why AKONET.Cloud? (Attributes)
- Friendly and highly intuitive user interface
- Multiple options for categorising and grouping of devices
- Threshold and alarm delays for sending during working hours
- Configurable notifications based on the need, for sending via email, SMS or phone calls
- Library of reports with statistical and programmable data, with indicators focused on the performance of each service and/or application
- Key indicators for refrigeration, pharma, health and HVAC
- Diagnostic tools for the refrigerated asset
- Flexible access privileges to functionalities and visibility of devices and groups per user
- Safe and multi-point/multi-device access, with record of accesses and changes to the configuration of the devices
- Library of parameter pre-sets
- Configuration assistant by application
- Device activity information panel
- Group information panel
- Rankings of devices and groups by performance indicators of each service
- Total integration via API Rest with third-party systems and APPs
- No programme or application needs to be installed for its operation
- Scalable to thousands of devices and installations
Monitoring of commercial services and installations (food retail, food service, horeca), industrial services (food, pharmaceutical, logistics), etc.
Traceability of the temperature during refrigerated transport
Assuring compliance with certain regulations (such as IFSs)
Automation of manual temperature recording processes as well as processes of low value/reliability
For each type of product and its application, value indicators are provided for decision making:
Communications Gateway for modbus devices
Communications Gateway for modbus devices with 8 output relays
Wireless temperature and humidity recorder