Global solution to connect small installations to AKONET.Cloud
The AKO solution is based on the cloud platform, free to access and use. An avant-garde proposal for remote monitoring and management that helps with corrective decisions.
Solution designed for small commercial refrigeration installations:
hospitality, convenience stores, petrol stations
AKO’s proposal is the most straightforward and competitive option on the market.
It combines your needs in one single platform:
· Optimisation of your installations
· Maximum security and availability
· With multisite and multidevice access
· Strict compliance with regulations
¿What is the situation for non-connected
refrigeration installations?
9% off
food lost
to monitoring failures
in the cold chain
due to disconnected
Prevents 15%
off trips
with a remote monitoring
and management system
in use
by staff
AKONET.Cloud will help you
and your customers
What advantages does AKONET.Cloud offer?
Our architecture
Platform of gateways and AKO Modbus units on AKONET.Cloud
Versions with inputs and outputs to integrate signals and extend the scope of
application (Model AKO-5041 | AKO-5051)
Controllers, sensors, detectors with integrated and direct
wireless communication with AKONET.Cloud
“What is not defined cannot be measured. What is not measured cannot be improved. What is not improved, always gets worse.” <<William Thomson Kelvin>>