AKO and E.Leclerc Pamplona: A Success Case in Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

Barcelona, April 25, 2024 – AKO, leader in innovative and sustainable refrigeration solutions, is pleased to highlight the ongoing success of our collaboration with E.Leclerc Pamplona. This Thursday, during the “AEFYT Breakfasts” held at the Barceló Sants Hotel in Barcelona, our success case was presented by Mr. Philippe Gruau, CEO of E.Leclerc Pamplona.

In 2021, E.Leclerc Pamplona implemented an advanced temperature monitoring and regulation system developed by AKO, which has enabled a 12.6% reduction in the electrical consumption of its refrigeration facilities, equivalent to an annual saving of 126,000 kWh. This implementation has not only generated significant economic savings but has also contributed to reducing the facility’s carbon footprint and improving its overall performance.


AKO’s AKODATA and AKOCORE ADVANCE technology have been instrumental in this process, providing secure remote monitoring and management through the AKONET.Cloud platform, accessible from any device at any time of the year.

The “AEFYT Breakfast” event has established itself as a platform for discussing current issues and promoting collaboration among companies in the sector. Attendees had the opportunity to enjoy breakfast while engaging in lively discussions and receiving updated information on key topics for the industry.

Additionally, on the same day of the breakfast event, Mr. Philippe Gruau visited our AKO facilities. We love for clients to experience firsthand our essence, the human potential, and the place where all those solutions are developed to assist them in their businesses.

AKO is committed to developing solutions that not only meet the current needs of our customers but also promote a more sustainable and energy efficient future.

We want to help you become a success story too.

For more information about AKO and our solutions, please contact us.


Press Contact: AKO Group Communication Department

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E-mail: mkt@ako.com