What is the relationship between carbon dioxide and COVID-19 transmission?

With the AKOGAS NDIR CO2 gas sensor, we help to ensure a safe and reliable environment, reducing the ability of the coronavirus to spread.

February 2021. At AKO Group we are ever mindful of the current situation that our society is going through and are aware, due to many contact tracing case studies, that COVID-19 spreads 20 times as fast, consequently being more infectious indoors than outdoors. That is why it is highly important to have tools to help us improve the quality of these spaces.

Be they schools, hospitals, residences, cinemas, offices… they are all enclosed spaces where human presence generates carbon dioxide (CO2). This is a gas that is emitted when we breathe out. High CO2 levels in the environment may facilitate coronavirus transmission.


Our RDI team has put all its efforts into researching and working on building a solution to improve the quality of indoor environments by means of their extensive knowledge in gas detection solutions, in this case, carbon dioxide (CO2). We know that creating and preserving safe and pleasant environmental conditions is a complex mission.


Our AKOGAS NDIR CO2 gas detection sensor, which is proven to be the most effective and reliable device, detects CO2 concentration from 1 ppm (parts per million) up to 5,000 ppm, to determine the concentration of carbon dioxide coming from human breathing and at the same time assesses the hazards of COVID-19 propagation.


In addition to providing a physical and audible alert, our gas detector also records all measurements on our AKONET.Cloud platform, facilitating the monitoring of all the rooms and spaces at your premises. AKONET.Cloud is a cloud platform that can be accessed with no need for advanced knowledge of computers, and it is possible to check the devices installed in the establishment and track environmental conditions at all times, from any location and with any smartphone, tablet or PC device.

And in order to show how our detection devices are manufactured, we received a visit from RTVE’s daily programme ‘España Directo’ to our facilities, in which we presented our production process and explained what our solution consists of.

Today we can find these devices installed in schools, such as the Escola de Collbaix in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada (see more here) and residences such as the Casa d’Empara de Vilanova i la Geltrú (see more here).

Get our AKOGAS NDIR CO2 device